Abstract: My current understanding of web 3 + AI

[Disclaimer ‘These Views Are My Own’]

I recently engaged in discussions with several web3 founders about integrating web3 and AI technologies. As someone who knows nothing about web3, I remain open to the idea but find it challenging to commit to projects that aren’t easily explained in a few sentences. Despite multiple conversations, the rationale behind the preference for AI+web3 over AI+web2 remains unclear to me.

After having a few discussions, I conducted some research on my own. After exploring a tech blog on Hugging Face, I’ve gained insights into how encryption solutions from web3, such as blockchain and NFTs, can secure large models. Yet, the broader motivations for transitioning to web3 and the potential monetization strategies are still perplexing. I acknowledge that web3 infrastructure advancements can indeed benefit the AI sector, but the specific purposes of these web3 applications continue to elude me.

I remain open to future discussions on web3 and AI. I hope to gain more understanding about it and will update this blog with new insights later as well.

[To Be Continued]