Abstract: My full stack learning journey

It is 2025, and there are many tools and resources available for people to learn full-stack development. There are even numerous AI tools that can convert an idea into a deployed website. However, I still want to learn full-stack development by myself in this age of AI, so that I can code and debug more efficiently while leveraging AI’s power to boost my productivity and work on more interesting projects independently. I began learning full-stack development seriously on June 20, 2024. Before that, my experience was limited to creating local Streamlit applications. In this blog, I will share my learning journey and thoughts.

Side Project 1: E-Library Demo (Status: Finished)

This project was inspired by a tutorial on educative.io, where the initial version loaded local JSON files directly into the frontend. I reimplemented the project to practice what I learned in the past few months, including fullstack development, authentication, database integration, and deployment.

The project consists of two separate frontends - one for users and one for administrators. Using Vercel, we can deploy separate projects from the same repository using different folders:

  • core_api: Backend serving both frontends
  • e-library-admin-app: Admin frontend
  • e-library-app: User frontend

Project repository: https://github.com/TataKKKL/e-library-demo


  • Supabase integration for database and authentication
  • Custom login page for user authentication and signup
  • Email verification system for new user accounts
  • Profile management system with automatic updates via database triggers
  • Book management system with admin-only creation rights (role-based access control, RBAC)
  • Like system implementing many-to-many relationships between users and books

Side Project 2: GitIssuePulse Website (Status: In Progress)

The GitIssuePulse website implements GitHub webhook functionality to write to a Supabase table, and uses Supabase’s real-time subscription feature to push frontend updates whenever any issues of a GitHub repository is modified.

Side Project 3: Code Generator Demo (Status: Not Started)


  • Next.js application hosted on Vercel
  • Browser-based code editor and compiler


  • FastAPI deployment on AWS Fargate
  • AI agent integration using https://github.com/PathOnAI-org/LiteMultiAgent for prompt-to-code generation
  • Container-based architecture

Side Project 4: Expo Mobile App (Status: In Progress)

Following the tutorial from https://docs.expo.dev/tutorial/overview/, I built a mobile app called StickerSmash. Current progress includes:

  • Local testing on web and iOS using Expo Go
  • Initial EAS hosting setup (paused due to Apple Developer Account requirements)

Future plans include adding:

  • Authentication
  • Database integration
  • AI agent functionality